PPP projects and statistics in Lithuania

Statistical data about PPP projects in Lithuania

Public-private partnership in Lithuania

The annual report on the Implementation of PPP projects and the execution of PPP agreements for the reporting period of 2024 has been prepared based on data submitted by institutions implementing partnership projects (the data is provided in accordance with the Rules for Preparing Reports on the Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects and the Execution of Public-Private Partnership Agreements, approved by Order No. 1K-489 of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania on 24 December 2009).

Folowing the links below you will find annual reports on the Implementation of PPP projects and the execution of PPP agreements


Annual report on the implementation of PPP projects and the performance of PPP contracts for the reporting period 2024

According to the submitted data, PPP agreements are being implemented in 23 municipalities.

The largest number of PPP agreements are being implemented in the area of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment, and other infrastructure (15 agreements), in the energy sector—including the extraction, transmission, distribution, and supply of heat and electricity, oil, and natural gas (8 agreements), as well as in the field of waste utilization, recycling, and management (8 agreements).

During the reporting period of 2024, two PPP agreements entered into force: (1) an agreement by the Klaipėda District Municipality concerning the modernization of street lighting in settlements of the Klaipėda District Municipality; and (2) an agreement by the Kaunas City Municipality concerning the management of the Kaunas Sports Hall and the S. Darius and S. Girėnas Stadium. In total, by 31 December 2024, 75 PPP agreements had been concluded and entered into force.



Statistics on PPP contracts until 31 December 2023

Statistics for reporting year 2023 period on public-private partnership (PPP) contracts (concessions and PFI), prepared based on the information provided by the institutions implementing PPP projects. 

According to the data provided, PPP contracts are implemented in 24 municipalities. 

The largest number of PPP contracts are implemented in the field of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure (13 contracts) and in the field of energy, including heat and electricity, oil and natural gas extraction, transmission, distribution, supply (9 contracts) and utilization, recycling and management of waste (8 contracts) 

During the reporting year 2023 five PPP contracts were signed during the period (four of them entered into force): (1) agreement of the Klaipėda District Municipality regarding the Multipurpose Center (school, kindergarten, cultural center) in Sendvaris eldership, (2) agreement of the Police Department regarding the Šiauliai Police Commissariat, (3) agreement of the Molėtai District Municipality regarding the Molėtai swimming pool, (4) agreement of the Šiauliai City Municipality regarding the Šiauliai Arena. In total until 2023 December 31 73 PPP contracts were concluded and entered into force. 

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 31 December 2023):



Statistics on PPP contracts until 31 December 2022

Statistics for reporting year 2022 period on public-private partnership (PPP) contracts (concessions and PFI), prepared based on the information provided by the institutions implementing PPP projects. 

According to the data provided, PPP contracts are implemented in 26 municipalities. 

The largest number of PPP contracts are implemented in the field of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure (12 contracts) and in the field of energy, including heat and electricity, oil and natural gas extraction, transmission, distribution, supply (10 contracts) and utilization, recycling and management of waste (9 contracts) 

During the reporting year 2022 five PPP contracts were signed during the period, two of which entered into force: for the modernization of street lighting in the Kaunas district and Lentvaris city, as well as the contract for the creation of a multi-functional wellness, education, culture and employment promotion complex in the city of Vilnius, which was signed in 2021. It is expected that in 2023, the contract for the creation of the multi-purpose center of the Klaipėda district municipality in Sendvaris eldership and the construction contract for the building of the chief police commissariat in Šiauliai will come into force. In total until 2022 December 31 69 PPP contracts were concluded and entered into force. 

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 31 December 2022):



Statistics on PPP contracts until 31 December 2021

Most of PPP contracts in Lithuania are implemented in the field of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure (15 contracts), in the energy, including heat and electric energy, oil and natural gas extraction, transmission, distribution, supply (10 contracts), the utilization, recycling and management of waste (9 contracts)

During the year 2021 four PPP agreements were signed, three of them were financially closed: on the construction of military towns in Vilnius District Municipality (Šatrininkai sen., Rokantiškių village), Šilalė District Municipality and Šiauliai City Municipality. The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania is responsible for the implementation of these agreements.

In total until 31 December 2021  66 PPP contracts were concluded and financially closed.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 31 December 2021):



Statistics on PPP contracts until 1 January 2021

Most of PPP contracts in Lithuania are implemented in the field of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure (14 contracts), in the utilization, recycling and management of waste (10 contracts) and the energy, including heat and electric energy, oil and natural gas extraction, transmission, distribution, supply (10 contracts).

During the year 2020 one PFI agreement was signed on “Economic activities performed by a private entity in the design, construction, reconstruction and provision of services of Kaunas district schools and swimming pool”.

In total until 1 January 2021 63 PPP contracts were concluded.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2021):



Statistics on PPP contracts until 1 January 2020

Statistics on public-private partnership contracts (concessions and authority-pays contracts) is accumulated in accordance with the provisions of Minister of Finance Order No. 1K-489 of 24 December 2009 on the Approval of the Rules for Submission of Information on Progress in Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects to the Ministry of Finance.

In total, 47 PPP contracts were implemented in the year 2019: 42 concessions and 5 authority-pays contracts, mainly in the areas of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure, utilization, recycling and management of waste and energy, including heat and electric energy.

In total until 1 January 2020 61 PPP contracts were concluded and EUR 189,9 million were invested, out of which EUR 13,8 million were invested in 2019.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2020):



Statistics on PPP contracts until 1 January 2019

Statistics on public-private partnership contracts (concessions and authority-pays contracts) is accumulated in accordance with the provisions of Minister of Finance Order No. 1K-489 of 24 December 2009 on the Approval of the Rules for Submission of Information on Progress in Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects to the Ministry of Finance.

In total, 46 PPP contracts were implemented in the year 2018: 43 concessions and 3 authority-pays contracts, mainly in the areas of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure, utilization, recycling and management of waste and energy, including heat and electric energy.

1 new Concession contract was concluded and came into force in 2018.

In total until 1 January 2018 58 PPP contracts were concluded and EUR 176,3 million were invested, out of which EUR 24 million were invested in 2018.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2019):

List of Public and Private Sector Partnership Contracts (280.3 KB )

Number of PPP Contracts (828.8 KB )

Distribution of PPP Contracts by Area (577.3 KB )

Amounts of Capital Investments in PPP Contracts (584.8 KB )

PPP Contracts by Contract Duration (487.4 KB )



Statistics on PPP contracts until 1 January 2018

In total, 46 PPP contracts were implemented in the year 2017: 43 concessions and 3 authority-pays contracts, mainly in the areas of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure, utilization, recycling and management of waste and energy, including heat and electric energy.

3 new PPP contracts (2 concessions and 1 authority-pays) were concluded and came into force in 2017.

In total until 1 January 2018 57 PPP contracts were concluded and EUR 152,3 million were invested, out of which EUR 5,4 million were invested in 2017.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2018):

List of Public and Private Sector Partnership Contracts (277 KB )

Number of PPP Contracts (679.1 KB )

Distribution of PPP Contracts by Area (498.5 KB )

Amounts of Capital Investments in PPP Contracts (448.1 KB )

PPP Contracts by Contract Duration (478.4 KB )



Statistics on PPP contracts until 1 January 2017

In total, 42 PPP contracts were implemented in the year 2016: 39 concessions and 3 authority-pays contracts, mainly in the areas of culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure, utilization, recycling and management of waste and energy, including heat and electric energy.

5 new PPP contracts (4 concessions and 1 authority-pays) were concluded and came into force in 2016.

In total until 1 January 2017 53 PPP contracts were concluded and EUR 146,3 million were invested, out of which EUR 0,93 million were invested in 2016.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2017):

List of Public and Private Sector Partnership Contracts (270.2 KB )

Number of PPP Contracts (547.4 KB )

Distribution of PPP Contracts by Area (377.8 KB )

Amounts of Capital Investments in PPP Contracts (317 KB )

PPP Contracts by Contract Duration (358.1 KB )



Statistics on PPP contracts until 1 January 2016

In total, 36 PPP contracts were implemented in the year 2015: 34 concessions and 2 authority-pays contracts, mainly in the areas of utilization, recycling and management of waste; culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure and energy, including heat and electric energy.

2 new PPP contracts (concessions) were concluded and came into force in 2015.

In total until 1 January 2016 47 PPP contracts were concluded and EUR 142,9 million were invested, out of which EUR 35,5 million were invested in 2015.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2016):

List of Public and Private Sector Partnership Contracts (263.9 KB )

Number of PPP Contracts (504.3 KB )

Distribution of PPP Contracts by Area (376.1 KB )

Amounts of Capital Investments in PPP Contracts (319.6 KB )

PPP Contracts by Contract Duration (408.8 KB )



Statistics on PPP contracts until 1 January 2015

In total, 34 PPP contracts were implemented in the year 2014: 32 concessions and 2 authority-pays contracts, mainly in the areas of utilization, recycling and management of waste; culture, sports, leisure facilities, equipment and other infrastructure and energy, including heat and electric energy.

2 new PPP contracts were concluded in 2014 (1 concession and 1 authority-pays contract), but none of them came into force until 1 January 2015.

In 2014 none of PPP contracts was terminated.

In total until 1 January 2015 47 PPP contracts were concluded and LTL 482 million were invested, out of which LTL 54.7 million were invested in 2014.

Statistics of PPP contracts (until 1 January 2015):

List of Public and Private Sector Partnership Contracts (148.2 KB )

Number of PPP Contracts (245.8 KB )

Distribution of PPP Contracts by Area (97.7 KB )

Amounts of Capital Investments in PPP Contracts (99.2 KB )

PPP Contracts by Contract Duration (117.5 KB )


Last updated: 10 03 2025