The project is intended:
- to be integral, beneficial and convenient for the city and community, i. e., included in wider Vilnius city development plan and contributing to the complex social and economic development targets, promote healthy life, informal education, culture and business development activities – provide multifunctional services;
- to develop rational and efficient infrastructure, addressing the public services shortages and avoid competition with existing objects of similar purpose.
The Multifunction Complex will consist of:
• Territory Cleaning – territory cleaning and preparation for investments, installation of engineering network, adjusting the territory for social and commercial activities;
• Pre-school Facility – establishment of engineering infrastructure for the functioning of pre-school facility for 300 children (including playgrounds, game arbors, footways, greenery etc.);
• Infrastructure for Informal Education – establishment of 3 football pitches and 1 athletics pitch, halls for physical activities (3 basketball halls and 1 handball hall), administrative facilities, hostel facilities for 100 person;
• Communication and Information Center – establishment of infrastructure for communication and information center, transferring Šeškinė branch of Vilnius city library;
•Lithuanian Sport Museum – establishment of Lithuanian Sport Museum facility transferring it from Kaunas city;
•Infrastructure for Public Cultural and Sport Events – establishment of infrastructure for major public cultural and sport events organization up to 20 000 spectators places, supporting facilities, ground for public and sport events.
The scope of the project includes public services provided within the borders of the land plots, necessary for the residents of the target area, public services required for the residents of the target area and the entire city of Vilnius, and, if possible, for the residents of the whole of Lithuania. In addition, the scope of the project includes commercial services, if they are provided in the infrastructure intended for the provision of public services. Activities to be transferred to a private partner:
1) remediation of the abandoned area: construction of engineering networks of the common land plot in the intended area;
2) creation of the engineering infrastructure needed to provide pre-school education services in the organized territory (at the service provision stage – operation and maintenance);
3) creation of the engineering infrastructure required to use football and athletics fields in the landscaped area (at the stage of service provision – operation, maintenance, commercial activity);
4) creation of the engineering infrastructure required for the use of universal halls for physical activity and the administrative premises necessary for their management in the organized territory (at the stage of service provision – operation, maintenance, commercial activity);
5) creation of the engineering infrastructure necessary for the operation of the communication and information center in the organized territory; relocation of the premises of the existing Šeškinė branch of the Vilnius City Library to a landscaped area and adaptation to the activities of a functionally independent communication and information center (operation and maintenance at the stage of service provision);
6) creation of the engineering infrastructure necessary for event activities in the organized territory (at the stage of service provision – operation, maintenance, commercial activity);
7) creation of the engineering infrastructure necessary for the operation of the concert hall and other cultural events in the organized territory (at the stage of service provision – operation and maintenance);
8) creation of the engineering infrastructure necessary for the sports museum's activities in the organized territory (at the stage of service provision – operation and maintenance).
Summary PPP Risk Assessement for inclusion in the national financial statement can be found here (26.2 KB ).
In 2014 (3rd-4th quarters) market research was carried out resulting in clarification of potential investors;
In 2015 (1st quarter) Central Project Management Agency designed the investment project;
On June, 2015, Vilnius City Municipality approved the implementation of the project;
On 8 July 2015 the first Public Consultation organized by Vilnius City Municipality was held;
On 9 December 2015, The Government of the Republic of Lithuania approved the decision that the project will be implemented as the concession;
On January, 2016 Central Project Management Agency prepared documents for private partner selection;
On 3 February 2016, Council of Vilnius City Municipality approved the decision to implement the project as the public-private partnership (concession);
On 15 March, 2016 the Department of Physical Education and Sports under the Government of the Republic Of Lithuania and Vilnius City Municipality concluded the commission for organization of concession project and implementation of concession procedures.
On 24 August, 2016 Vilnius City Municipality approved the documents for private partner selection;
On 7 Septemebr, 2016 a concession tender has been announced;
On 6 October, 2021 the concession contract was signed;
On 6 July, 2022 a concession contract came into force;
Summary PPP Risk Assessment for inclusion in the national financial statement can be found / here/.