Stage: 4. Project implementation
Implementing Authority
The Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Partnership form
Public-Private Partnership
15 years
EUR 23,063 million (incl. VAT)
Private investment
EUR 12,5 million (excl. VAT)
Partner selection form
Negotiated Procedure with Publication of a Contract Notice
Private partner
UAB „Salvinta“
Contract signature date
2019 01 17
The date of full entry into force of the contract
Transmitted activities
Design, construction and operation
The project involves the provision of new Police Custody and Police Station facilities in Panevėžys sity, and will facilitate improved performance in various police functions in Panevėžys.
Area: Public order and safety
About the project
- Summary PPP Risk Assessement for inclusion in the national financial statement can be found here. (292.1 KB )